
Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Sun 7 Sep 2014 19:21

We arrived here yesterday afternoon after a 4 hr motor from our previous stop. Unlike the previous long day in sunshine and calm water this was grey damp and slightly choppy seas. Again rocky coastline. However the weather cleared up as we entered Bayona.

We went to the fuelling berth first and then tied up on a hammerhead whilst we worked out where we could go in the Monte Real Yacht Club for a couple of nights. Fortunately we bumped into the manager to discover big Regatta weekend - we had noticed lots boats out sailing in the bay. He then had to go off and see where we could park as very busy. I did ask if we could have a pontoon as opposed to Mediterranean style berthing bow and stern. Eventually they came back to us told us the cost - not cheap and yes we could have a pontoon. Eventually they showed us the way and someone was on the pontoon to take the ropes. All very civilised.

The Marina is right in town below the castle and although very busy - lots people around in the pleasant bar area . We have had great showers, got they washing done and generally relaxed.

Last night we had a meal in the old town sitting outside - very pleasant temperature. All the world outside in street cafés lovely atmosphere. Prior to this we'd been to the supermarket (not open on a Sunday) to stock up on fresh produce and also had a an ice cream. Spoilt for choice with flavours and the number of ice cream shops!

The old quarter (couple pictures below) here is lovely to wander around and a late lunch today (3pm) was had at The Parador Hotel above the yacht harbour. Excellent 3 courses for 30€. (First picture below)

The last picture shows the replica galleon Pinta Caravel taken off the stern of Mor Toad. Apparently first ship back to Spain after Columbus discovered the New World. Lots monuments around depicting this too.

This morning in the rain David and I walked twice round the castle and went up to The Parador to reserve lunch. That and another walk round town this afternoon means we've had some exercise.

The plan is to head straight for Lisbon first thing tomorrow morning 36hrs so another night ( if clear skies nearly a full moon ) Sadly looks like a motor as no wind forecast. There are places to stop if we get tired or a problem but none that inspiring so we've decided we'd rather have a few days in Lisbon to recharge before the next leg and Joy and Brad fancy visiting Lisbon and we've only been there briefly.

So unlikely to be another report for a few days.

Apparently so far we have done 512nm as the crow flies and still have 845nm to run to The Canaries as the crow flies.

Skipper - what did crew do before the advent of iPads?
Brad - annoy the skipper
Skipper - insubordination in the ranks!

I'm writing this as the sun goes down clear sky, pink in the sky , twinkling lights and glassy water. And still quite warm. So we shall see what tomorrow brings weather wise?

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