Southern Tip of Sicily

Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Tue 17 Oct 2017 18:38
As predicted we motored round the point flat calm glassy seas.
We motored along saying the calmest seas we've had the whole trip. Apparently it's not going to last. Beautiful warm sunny day but even here now the nights are cool and the boat is covered in heavy dew in the morning.
It took 2 hours to get to the next anchorage at a place called Marza.
Southerly point of Sicily
Clear water and a sandy bottom so easy anchoring at one side of another large bay. All low lying land and few houses scattered along the shoreline. What has surprised us are the number of poly tunnels ashore. Need to find out what they are growing? After lunch David and I took the dinghy and went ashore and walked along the nice sandy beach round the bay and back about 3.5 miles. Not an umbrella or sunbather in site. First really wild beach we've come across in Sicily and no plastic either.
Moy Toad in splendid isolation
On our return to the boat another swim, G and T , supper and early night as tomorrow we setting off at first light for Malta.
Jobs are never done though!! The aft holding tank is still emptying but tonight we now have a sink not emptying. Cause to be thought about overnight and ? Sorted at sea tomorrow or in Malta.
I have spent the last week communicating with someone in one of the marinas to make sure we can get a berth as people have kept warning us the place is very busy and especially so just now as the Middlesea race. This starts on Saturday and is a race from Malta round Sicily including the Egadi and Aeolian Islands and back to Malta. So could be interesting . We finally rang the lady up this afternoon as we hadn't had any confirmation and yes they have found us a spot so that's a relief