Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Sat 13 Sep 2014 20:40
2 weeks ago we left St Mawes at first light and we are now well down the Coast of Portugal and plan tomorrow to head round Cape St Vincent the most SW point.
We left this morning at 9 in mist and once put of the harbour put up the sails and had a sail for all of half an hour actually in the right direction but that was it, the wind died and on went the engine again. The mist lifted the sun came out and the swell was definitely less than yesterday so not too bad. Around 1.30 the wind suddenly picked up from 3-4 knots southerly to 9 knots SW so we sailed for a couple of hours which brought us here just about.
Sines is an industrial port so there were a couple of large ships coming in too but the Marina was off to the side behind a breakwater and near the beach. All good and it was hot and the water was 25 deg.
We found a pontoon easily and the guys from Falmouth had beaten us in although they left after us this morning (bad heads we think from last night in the bar). Quite a number of boats here British, Norwegian and one flying the Australian Flag. Turns outcome they bought the boat in Denmark last year sailed the Baltic and having been back to Australia last winter to sort things out now heading round the world. Some pretty adventurous people out there.
Joy having finally got her washing dry here which she'd had to rescue this morning before we left but still wet came with me for a walk to the beach and a swim which was lovely. This evening we all walked into Sines which is an old town on the hill with a castle and a large statue of Vasco de Gama. We were all very very hungry but didn't know where to go - could have been a moment but fortuitously Trip advisor showed on my phone a place close at hand which we'd sort of ignored. Good reports of local food not a lot of choice but excellent so we thought go for it before we had a major incident!
Well it turned out to be a wonderful experience albeit very basic , stools long tables no decor to talk about - Portugese no English but they made Joy and I go into the kitchen to look at what was cooking. Wild Pig with potatoes, bean stew with rice, chicken and chips or grilled fish not sardines but similar. We went for wild pig and bean stew followed by chicken all round as still hungry! Beer and red wine which came out of a large carafe. Green salads appeared and then at the end Madame brought port and schnapps and had a glass herself and she toasted us. The place was full of locals by the time we left and the bill was 60€. With hugs and kisses from Madame. Unbelievable . I might even be moved to write a trip advisor report to add to the others and I am sure this evening will be a story told back in Australia on innumerable occasions.
Now feeling very replete we had a saunter through the old town and back to the boat. 9pm and still warm.
An early start in the morning, a long day but weather due to deteriorate further in next few days - stronger southerly winds so we need to go.