Back in France

Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Wed 17 Oct 2018 18:09
We left Sanremo around 10 this morning and for the first hour and half had a good sail 6-7 knots just with the Jenny. Downwind sail so slightly rolly but again an unexpected wind and direction. Nothing new out here in The Med. sadly after an hour and half the wind sadly died and we had to motor.
We were close in shore and all still pretty built up but what is impressive is the number of greenhouses and poly tunnels in amongst all the houses. The Riviera of Flowers. And viaducts
After 2 and a bit hours we passed from Italian waters into French just before Menton and David changed the courtesy flag but also realised we didn’t have a Monaco courtesy flag as we were crossing their waters but that literally was for 18 minutes!!
French Italian Border
Interesting to see these places from the water as we had visited them last February when we were doing a fellow yo find a suitable marina. In February we were tourists in Menton Monaco Monte Carlo in rain and cold sadly today they made no more of an impression from the sea as grey and cloudy and very built up reminded us a little of the waterfront in Hong Kong.
Oceanographic Centre which houses
Not only that we were motoring through very very disturbed seas which wasn’t pleasant.
Soon Cap St Jean Ferrat was visible which is where we are leaving the boat for the winter but we carried on Roy d the headland and turned into the bay with Villefranche at the head. Thankfully much calmer round the corner and we are anchored in a bay at the north east corner and so far relatively calm though the promised sun had t materialised ( not cold though) and the wind is blowing. Water 22.4 so inspite of the not ideal conditions D checked the anchor and I have swum 5 times round the boat - refreshing!!
Hopefully weather wise tomorrow is a better day and we can go for a walk that we’ve noticed along the headland put to the lighthouse and more swims and ? A dinghy ride across the bay to Villefranche itself.
Ecole de Voleur