Ceilidh "The Return" Act Two 32:22.80N 64:40.10W

Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Wed 8 May 2013 02:11
For tonight we are 5, Roy has joined us and Rory does not leave till early
tomorrow. We are still along side at the St George Dinghy Club and have
just attended the grand opening of their refurbished bar. Roy has been
introduced to “Dark and Stormy’s” the local Rum and Ginger drink.
On more important matters we have a Windows 8 laptop up and running with
the Ceilidh Of Lorne e-mail and mailasail software so we should not be out off
comms for the next leg unless someone gets water over both laptop’s!!
The new shroud is out of customs and with FedEx, we had thought there was a
chance we would see it this afternoon but no luck. First thing in the
morning looks likely or considering Bermuda time mid morning!
Food wise we have a few more things to get but it is mostly the fresh veg
and fruit, so we are leaving that for tomorrow.