The Hokey Cokey! 14:33.46N 60:02.33W
Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Thu 13 Dec 2012 13:15
ARC Day 16
Ceilidh has completed a solid days run with 195NM in 24hrs.
We were pushed to the North of our 270T rhumb line course overnight thus
adding extra mileage before gybing South at 06:30 this morning.
At the time of writing we have 49NM to go before crossing the finish line
in Rodney Bay, St Lucia which should happen around 15:30 local time.
Once again had very mixed conditions with a beautiful and very warm day
yesterday with a steady F5 breeze. In the early hours of this morning we
suffered some severe squalls with torrential rain and 35knots of wind. As soon
as we were clear of one set and shook out the reefs then another squall pounced,
hence our title today with shake it in out and all about!
So a very challenging night to keep everyone on their toes.
So a 16 day crossing is around 2 days ahead of what we might have expected
in the best of conditions, so once again we are delighted with the performance
of Ceilidh and the huge efforts put in to hand steer her across the
I have really enjoyed writing the blog so I am sad to report this is the
last full edition. I will post a summary of photos over the next few days from
the whole event.
I would like to thank particularly Charlie G and Peter W for their amazing
output of jokes which have kept us entertained and of course all family and
friends of the crew who have been very supportive throughout. These messages
really made a difference and lifted the mood of the crew when they were
A last reminder that we have been fundraising for the NSPCC, so please find
the time to donate to this very worthy cause. Our crew Paul Leighton will match
all sums raised which is a very generous gesture. The link is
Just in case we do have a complete day off tomorrow, I have included both
outstanding verses of our song:
On the eleventh day of Ceilidh’s ARC my skipper gave to me, 11 days of
On the twelfth day of Ceilidh’s ARC my skipper gave to me, 12 rum
Dave Sturrock |