Heading South at last! 34:46.59N 07:18.70W

Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Thu 15 Nov 2012 07:20
This morning sees Ceilidh around 45NM offshore from the Moroccan coast to
the North West of Rabat on a course of 130M.
We have had an East or SE F3-4 breeze with us since we left Gibraltar which
has led to some very welcome upright sailing conditions.
It is already noticeably warmer even after travelling only 130 NM
The bad news is there is an Atlantic low pressure system heading East
towards our location with F6 SW’ly winds forecast. We are watching this closely
with our Grib forecasts but may take a stopover In Morocco to let the worst of
these headwinds pass through.
For now we are enjoying the conditions and we had a beautifully clear star
filled sky for company last night.
So we thoroughly enjoyed our stopover at Gibraltar and took in the tourist
trails on the Rock which has a fascinating history and over 30miles of tunnels
to explore.
We did have a much reduced repairs list so most of the time was spent
either cleaning the boat, removing salt from our oilies or shopping for
The quartermasters have done an excellent job in providing a great choice
of food and the meals onboard have been excellent.
We said goodbye to Jenney who returned to the UK and unfortunately neither
Ali Mac or Tony could join us as originally planned so we have 4 crew onboard
for this final leg.
Our 4 ARC crew are however getting excited as they fly down to Las Palmas
on the 19th of November to join the festivities.
Let’s hope Ceilidh will be there to meet them!
Just a reminder that we are fundraising for the NSPCC during the ARC and
thanks to everyone who has generously donated already. Here is the link to our
donations page: www.justgiving.com/ Ceilidh-of-Lorne
Dave Sturrock