Lucky 13th! 17:38N 52:06.38W

Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Mon 10 Dec 2012 13:12
ARC Day 13
Ceilidh has put in another sparkling quick step performance today giving
the best yet daily run of 204NM.
Everyone has been very focussed on the log and the concentration paid off
proving a lucky 13th day at sea.
The breeze has continued from the NE with F5 blowing, this is giving us a
course of 270T against our rhumb line of 260T so we will put in a gybe at some
stage soon.
Everyone is well adjusted to the routines of sea with watches, cleaning and
cooking all going mainly like clockwork.
However last night for the second time in 5 days we had to replace the
cooker gas cylinder during meal preparation.
Most new yachts have the gas locker right up in the bow in the anchor
locker for safety reasons. However this is not at all a practical location for
when the boat is at sea, the genoa has to be furled and a comfortable course
chosen to prevent breaking waves over the bow. However the gas was duly changed
and another excellent dinner of mince and tatties was enjoyed.
We have also been looking ahead to our mini cruise after the ARC is
completed when we will head South to Grenada. The favourite stopovers look like
the islands of Bequia, Mustique and Carracou in what is a stunning cruising
area. From 22 December Ceilidh is available for charter through Horizon Yachts
at the True Blue Bay resort, further details from: or send a mail
direct to ceilidhoflorne at ( with the normal email at symbol
which is not repeated here to prevent spam).
The next verse of our Christmas tune:
On the 8th day of Ceilidh’s ARC my skipper gave to me, 8knots of
So we continue rapidly on our way when there will soon be under 500NM to
run toward ST Lucia today.
While we always like to maintain a light hearted blog, we are all aware of
the risks and safety implications of sailing non stop across the ocean.
We always wear harnesses/lifejackets at night or anytime when the weather
dictates that this is sensible.
Ceilidh has many safety features and of course has to comply with the ARC
safety checks which were successfully completed at Las Palmas.
Mags took a direct hit on her arm from a flying fish when helming
yesterday, otherwise no fish have been landed yet!
Dave Sturrock |