Losing our bearings! 23:53.91N 27:50.61W

Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Sun 2 Dec 2012 12:54
This morning Ceilidh has now gybed to the South on a course of 230M since
around 07:15 as the wind has become more Easterly.
We have completed 190Nm as our daily run which means we have averaged
8knots for 5 days now and will celebrate a total of 1,000NM logged since Las
Palmas in around 4 hours time.
This is a very consistent average which we have never achieved before and
has done despite steering problems which is down to a great team performance by
all the crew as we continue to steer by hand.
Yesterday was a classic ARC day with bright sunny conditions and a F6 NE
driving Ceilidh forward with some style, there was a 3-4 metre swell which she
surfed down at 10-12knots whild staying on track. Since the wave period has
increased we have found that Ceilidh is tracking much better and we really had
an exhilirating day.
This morning we made to do some maintenance on the self tacking genoa car
system. Unfortunately whenever we removed the first car from the rail most of
the ball bearings escaped onto the heaving deck! This looked like a job too far
but after 2 hours, Richard myself and Mags had returned the cars to service with
only 1 bb lost overboard. Something of a miracle really!
Life on board:
All the boys had a seawater wash and shampoo yesterday, very
The rolling swell is making it hard to eat, sleep and generally live
onboard but everyone is coping well. Conditions look a bit lighter from tomorrow
We complete safety checks twice a day around the deck and rigging. These
have already prevented more serious issues with the mast wedges and the self
tacker car.
We have started compiling a 12 days of Christmas ARC song, lyrics will be
advised in due course!
Dave Sturrock |