Looking Good

Well what a day yesterday. We relocated the boat nearer the marina office to allow for better internet access. I contacted Michel Van de Val from Mastervolt in Holland at 8 am. Luckily at that time in the morning with very few users up, the internet was good.He was able to log into my system -instruct me as to what cables to pull etc.it was amazing to see the multiple checks that were being performed.He started to gradually increase the charge until it was charging at 100 amps per hour.He had to wipe the flash memory and recalibrate the whole system.The battery was discharged to a very low level-5 volts.In the recharging he had to monitor the individual cells to ensure that they were charging at an equal rate.- Anyway we are now fully charged.I will have one further session with Mastervolt this am and hopefully will get the all clear.John and Seamus got the top up fuel in various canisters- an extra 177 litres.We had our safety inspection yesterday.This involved checking a long laundry list of safety items such as carts for service of liferaft,lifejackets of the right quality,epirb in date, satellite phone, flares etc.We were passed as well equipped.Today after the mastervolt session we will go to the market and supermarket to finish off. We should be pretty much ready for the off