16'29.85N - 32'50.11W
Day 17 Wind – 15 – 20knts Speed – 7-8knts After the previous night’s rain, it was nice to wake up
to sunshine and broken clouds. The wind was also gradually getting stronger and
by 08.20 hrs we were able to turn off the engine and sail along peacefully. But
this peace was soon shattered – Dez and Tony, who were on watch, hade been
joined by Gareth for an early morning chat. Suddenly all hell broke loose when
the fishing rod bucked and the line screamed off the reel at an alarming rate,
we had hooked a runaway train!! Tony, who was closest leapt for the rod and as
he was about to take it out of its holder, the rod snapped below the reel. Away
flew the whole lot to land in the sea about 20 yards behind the boat. All Tony
had left in his hand was the butt end, the rest was gone. Dez and Gareth were
beside themselves with laughter, but the serious matter of telling Dennis, who
was asleep, the bad news was still to come. The response was to chuck the
remains in as well!! We’ve no idea what fish took a fancy to the lure, but
somewhere mid-Atlantic, a fish is towing a rod and reel around and can swim at
the speeds of a