16'45.23N - 39'15.32W
Day 19 Wind -30 -45 knots Speed – Extreme Broach At 10.00hrs Dennis & Gareth decided to hoist the spinnaker, as there was enough wind to carry it, during the time it was up, we were making good progress until a squall of 45knt gusts came through, then at 12.20pm we suffered a mid Atlantic Broach , due to heavy squall & wind gusts the boat turned sharply in to the wind, causing the port side being submerged under water, whilst Dez, Gareth & tony were down in the saloon the water was just pouring in through two of the port side windows, filling the bilges sounding the alarm, pots & pans thrown, clothing getting soaked on the floor, whilst martin was in his cabin having a rest, as the boat broached, he rolled up the wall with water pouring in the cabin & heads, with their sleeping bags, bed covers, pillows and clothes being soaked. Then the efforts began to try and drop the spinnaker, Dez, Gareth went on the foredeck to try and pull down the snuffer which covers the spinnaker, but the wind was too strong keep hold of the snuffer line, Dez suffered rope burn to his finger, but eventually managed to get the spinnaker down and back in the bag, Then we focused down below, the automatic bilge pump was working overtime , tony & Gareth were with towels drying the floors, with martin like a drowned rat trying to bail out water for his cabin.. |