18'17.69N - 27'02.89W
Day 10 Wind – 15knts Speed - 6-7knts This morning at 0750 we saw a nice site of the sun rising in the east, just breaking through the clouds, with around 120nm from Porto Grande-Cape Verde the sun shining with the unbearable heat of the Tropics, Uncle Albert (Dennis) gave Dez a lesson on how pay out fishing line, as he tried to do it himself, and then got it WRONG of course. The penalty was to wind in about 1000mtrs of line in a running sea, which was hard work, and he even broke a sweat…not good in this heat…around lunch time Dennis & Gareth made a final attempt to jury rig the generator, but had no luck, hopefully we can get it fixed in Porto Grande. The rest of the day was uneventful one as we motored until there was a HUGE screaming run on the reel, when a big marlin attacked the lure and gave a good fight, even jumping out of the water in the distance, it was an un even fight as uncle Albert struggled to land the beast, and the line just snapped, breaking the rod and losing the lure a swell the recoil almost broke his Designer sunglasses. Tonight’s meal was a joint effort & prepared by skipper & wife, steak & kidney pie, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, |