Sao vincente- cape Verde

Day 11-12-13 As were heading to Porto Grande for repairs the mood on the boat was good, all the crew were looking forward to getting into port for a little rest and get work done on the boat, we arrived in Mindelo marina around 1000hrs local, to be welcomed by the immense heat of the African island, the marina staff were great by helping us in to our berth as we did not have much engine control ’throttle broken. Within 30minutes on arriving the BoatCV boss came down to see us, so Dennis explained to him & today his staff are working away on the generator, inner forestay & the throttle control, so hopefully we will be able to rejoin the race on Friday… Having been on the island for a few hours, we all decided to go out for a meal and have a well earned drink, so we wondered off across the road to a old, Disused shed, so we didn’t think much of it at first, so we sat down, had a drink and there were a couple of guys singing and the crowd seem to have liked them, so we decided to stay there for our meal, some had fresh fish, tuna, & the others just had burger & chips. Friday was spent finalizing repairs, and having the sail repaired ,and Dez, Gareth, Sara, Tony were relaxing by the swimming pool & sun bathing with a chilled beer, whilst Dennis & martin were still in immigration sorting departure. Our last night we went to another local restaurant where we stuffed ourselves with pizza & chips along with some local beer, so mush so, that we all headed straight back to the yacht for an early night in readiness for departure on Saturday….. |