29:51.1N 15:29.4W Lots of miles, lots of wind!

Niord's Big Adventure
Tony Gratton
Wed 30 Aug 2023 18:18
Tue - Wed 29-20/08/2023 On Passage Madeira to Gran Canaria
Distance covered: 192nm
We start the day with Zoe going part way up the mast to untangle our ARC flag from the spinnaker halyard. Next some last minute provisioning, and the usual preparations. Everyone on the pontoon is out to wave us and Migalou off! We have a great sense of camaraderie Smile emoticon. This is the windiest marina of all, but we are able to leave without any fuss.
As predicted, the first 24-hours are fairly rough with F7, and a big 4m sea. This was part of our trade off to make some miles before the wind disappears.
Sarah is preparing dinner, and the wind has now dropped to F5, as we settle ourselves down for our second night at sea.