A day out in Porto

Niord's Big Adventure
Tony Gratton
Mon 17 Jul 2023 22:17
Sunday 16/07/2023 Porto
We decided to give ourselves a day away, so took the
Metro to Porto today. Made some interesting discoveries on the way. Found a
really nice cafe, with beautiful facilities, at the station. Also found another
one on the way there which is a short walk from our bit of the marina. It took
us forever to work out how to buy a metro ticket, but we did it in the end. We
can also catch the metro from Povoa to Porto airport, which is really useful. It
was fantastic to remake our acquaintance with Porto. What a lovely city! Had a
beer at a nice hotel, lovely facilities by the way, followed by a snack with a
glass of red by the river. Did quite a bit of walking, then grabbed a coffee at
another nice place. More walking, then an appero at another hotel bar with
wonderful facilities I have to say! Finished the day off with a delicious meal,
steak for Karen, venison for me, a glass of red, then a 10-year old Grahams
tawny port with dessert. Perfect day!