Back to reality
Niord's Big Adventure
Tony Gratton
Mon 17 Jul 2023 22:41
17/07/2023 Povoa - Getting our ducks in a
Back to reality today. We need to get things moving so
that we can get out of here. We took the hike over to the marina yard. Karen to
do the washing, and Tony to Nautica Vaga to try to find out when they are coming
over to look at the boat. They were in the middle of lifting a boat, but assured
us we were not forgotten. All very well, but when are they going to turn up? Not
today at least. This is not to do any work mind, just to look at the problem!
Looks like we will have to sort this one out ourselves. Tony spent quite a bit
of time trying to source a replacement high-tensile bolt. He learnt a lot about
high-tensile steel specifications which he can now trot off verbatim.
He also learnt that the grade he needs in the size he needs is nowhere to be
found. He did a post late in the day to the Island Packet Yacht Owners
Association (IPYOA) forum to find out that we can probably use a lesser
specification. Will try to find that tomorrow. Tony spent a couple of hours
writing out a spec for transmission parts in case the coupling and/or the
cutlass bearing need replacement, and sent this off to the supplier while Karen
cleaned the boat. Following this up with a call to the supplier he was told that
they would not even look at it until tomorrow as they are 'very busy'. Great!
Everyone is busy but nothing gets done! Next, he spent another couple of hours
posting on IPYOA finding out that at least we are not alone with this problem.
In the end the whole day has been about getting our ducks in a row, but
achieving precisely zero, other than learning a lot. Morale is low. Cheered
ourselves up with a sunset walk by the beach, and an ice-cream at our favourite
ice-cream parlour. By the way, we are not sweltering in 40 degree heat. It was
about 21C today, and felt decidedly cool in the wind. At least it was sunny with
blue skies! Engine alignment checks beckon tomorrow.