36:20.5N 8:46.7W On passage to Porto Santo

Niord's Big Adventure
Tony Gratton
Mon 14 Aug 2023 15:56
9-12/08/2023 Lagos
Lagos is a blur, as Rob and Claire arrive for the next leg to Porto Santo. There are a million things to do before we leave. We spend our first day giving Niord's deck a clean, then enjoy ourselves wine tasting as a birthday present for Tony. The following day we take Niord out for a test sail so that the new crew get to know the ropes. We refuel at the fuel pontoon, and fill the new additional tanks we have bought. The marina as ever is very busy, and as we return to our berth the tripper boat which moors next to us is ready to leave. We have a howling wind beam on, and things go horribly wrong, so Niord gets a couple of new scratches where her bow touches the dock and the water tap! The tripper boat crew gives us a hand with our mooring lines, and we share a beer with them as thanks on their return. Lovely people! Our last day is a whirl of preparations, endless briefings for the crew, and meetings with officialdom.
13-14/08/2023 On Passage to Porto Santo
We leave at 09:30 having got our passports stamped without any issues. We motorsail South around 60 miles, past the massive TSS (6 lanes) off Capo de Sao Vicente without incident from either shipping or Orcas. The wind forecast is under again, and by the time we change course SW towards Porto Santo, the wind builds steadily to F6 then 7, then 8/9 with seas to match, so it is another Biscayesque rough night. We have double-reefed the main, and taken down the bimini by now, and hoist a scrap of Yankee to balance the boat.
The next morning the wind and sea gradually ease until we are left with F5 from the NNE which is slightly aft of the beam on our course. We finally get the full Yankee out, but leave the main alone and are making a comfortable 6-7 knots. Hopefully tonight will be more peaceful than last night! We were though treated to a magnificent display of stars, and a meteor shower Smile emoticon!
35:20.2N 11:9.9W