It's been a hard days night

Wed 7 Jul 2010 10:01
38:35:45N 09:38:64W
We've just passed Lisbon and next step the Cape of St Vincent (scene of the battle of Trafalgar). Sadly we won't be stopping - this was one of my favorite anchorages of last year.
The wind has dropped so we are motoring again and it is not looking like we will get much more sailing in the next 24 hours.
Nights are strange - the sun doesn't set until 23:00 local time nor rise until 07:00 so the whole day is shifted and the 05:00 to 08:00 watch, which would normally be full of dawn only just gets any sun at all.
Culinary performance is down on the highs set by Fiona last year - sausage with packet sauce is the high point so far.
Still no fish......