Happy New Year
Fri 1 Jan 2010 15:26
Happy New Year Everyone, hope the dawn of 2010 has
treated you kindly and no-one has a bangy bang sore head.
Heaps of sympathy owed here - we woke up to rain,
see it's not all perfect!!
Enough of the mega yachts - this was night for the
ratings and the fearless Atlantic sailors. As the sun went down the ARCies
partied on the beach, the children knocked coconuts from the trees. Hugo battled
bravely to open one with his new penknife and cut his finger, went off to nurse
his wounds and tripped over and hurt his knee, would we get him to dinner
without a detour to A&E? Another little nipper nearly mistook the rum punch
for a jug of juice and many innocent folk had the misfortune of standing on an
ant's nest precipitating a strange new dance routine. Wouldn't have happened if
we'd worn socks with our flip flops. Our very best wishes and total respect to
the boats who are heading off on the World ARC in a few days, the Atlantic is
just the starter ocean.
Then we dined and we danced, Fiona the owner
finally fell for the Skipper's charms and he knew , at last, that one day the
boat would be his. And, in a final fling of daring do we managed to
keep the children awake til midnight (some might say it was a greater challenge
than crossing an ocean). Hugo managed it with the aid of a power nap after pud,
Laurence with the aid of a propped up grin and Immy with the distracting company
of her new pet coconut. At midnight we crushed onto the dance floor for a
countdown to midnight and then we danced to a reggae version of Auld Lang
Not wanting to risk our dinghy turning into a
pumpkin we then made a swift getaway. The launch from the beach involved us
wading waist high in the water, I nearly lost a flip flop but Hugo defied his
injuries and retrieved it from the surf. We were all now WIDE AWAKE and
crossed the bay to the sound of fog horns blasting from the boats as they each
struck upon their own definition of midnight, time being a relative concept in
this part of the world and things generally happening later rather than
This morning we woke to rain (more sympathy please)
and a wide view of the open sea - many of the mega yachts had departed.
Mustique is "so last year" Darling.