Staring at the Sun
Tue 6 Jul 2010 17:26
40:35:41N 09:37:81W
A great 24 hour sail. We did 210 miles - North of
the legendary 200 mile barrier so very satisfying.
Progress has slowed a little now as the winds have
dropped - the time to destination on the chart plotter has been stock at about
70 hours for most of the day. Still, we are making 7-8 knots and the sailing is
lovely - clear sky and warm sun.
We have the genoa goosewinged and the little self
tacking jib up and are more or less on a dead run downwind. We should pass
Lisbon tomorrow morning, and then round the Cape of St Vincent tomorrow night.
It will seem strange to start going East again
We may fall short of Malaga and make Gibraltar
instead by Friday evening - we will have to see. Clearly though we need to allow
enough time to make preparations for the arrival on board once again of