Launch the tuna boats!
Fri 18 Sep 2009 14:55
35:13:614N 009:50:863W
It's boom and bust aboard at present. We've veered
from one extreme to the other, making 10.7 kts one moment and a paltry 6 the
next. However, the ocean mariner soon learns to make the most of every
opportunity, so, sure enough, the tuna lure was hastily assembled and launched
over the starborad quarter. Your correspondent had barely been trolling for a
few minutes when there was an unexpected tweak on the line... an intake of
breath... time slowed... the sun beat down with lazy ferocity... and... AND...
...nothing. Botheration. Had it not been for the
chorizo I was nibbling at the time, I would have said 'not a sausage'.
But the seasoned mariner is not easily dissuaded and after dashing off these few
lines to assure you that
a) we're fine
b) we're having a super time and
c) the fish count remains obstinately stuck on 6
dolphins and packet of prawn cocktail crisps
the tuna hunt will resume.
The log now records that we've run off 132 miles
already and are approximately one quarter of the way to what the Skipper
fatalistically describes as our first fresh seafood; to whit
More anon. May the pupils, kitchen planners and
workers have a cracking day!