Blog 1st August

Susan Ayu
Peter Costalas
Mon 1 Aug 2011 12:12
Bernie’s Blog - Day 9 – Monday 1st August 2011 Leg Five: Azores to “White Rabbits” As I write this Monday morning, we are well reefed in (that means both sails smaller!) in a strong northerly wind over a slightly bumpy sea but not too uncomfortable. Andy is outside on watch while the rest of us are snug below. Peter is working at his crossword book; Darrell is reading a seafaring story in his bunk (no doubt checking to see if we are doing it correctly!) and Christine is making hot drinks. Ah, the joys of being at sea. Darrell and I were heavily rained on during our night watch and the sky this morning still looks rain laden. I forgot to mention that the previous night we had seen dolphins streaking around the boat and with the sea’s their underwater wake emitted luminescence and made them look like torpedoes. In contrast Sunday was a pleasant and restful day. We had a brunch of Tuna Sashimi and Cerviche followed by scrambled eggs, baked beans, fried sliced potato and toast. Luverly. For tea we had Christine’s half-way surprise – chocolate muffins with chocolate icing. For supper we had a chicken madras curry. We are currently 450 miles southwest of the Lizard on a latitude level with Finally, I am not suggesting that the crew is bored but they have just shown a great interest in photos of my small allotment. Good day. …..and may August be a lovely month for us all. Just mentioning it 'for the record' |