Blog 24th July

Bernie’s Blog - Day 1 – Sunday 24th July
2011 Leg Five: Azores to
Dartmouth So off we sail again. This time on the last of the five legs that have taken yacht Susan Ayu around the Atlantic. Previous readers will have left us as we arrived at Horta on the island of Faial in the Azores on Wed 8th June. The yacht Susan Ayu has spent the past six weeks in Horta marina awaiting our return. The crew now comprises: Peter Costalas (Owner/skipper); Bernie Steed (me!). Andy & Christine Wade (friends of Peter); and Darrell Pickup (Peter’s cousin). Andy & Christine were with us for the outward legs to the Caribbean in 2009 and 2010; Darrell was onboard (with his wife Lyn) while in Antigua in Feb 2010. So, we are all familiar with yacht to various degrees. So, off we jolly well go. We are stored and ready for the voyage home to Dartmouth; a distance of 1300 nautical miles, which should take 8 to 10 days depending on the winds and therefore the route we have to take. We sailed – or rather motored - away from Horta Marina at 0930 this morning. We are right in the middle of the Azores High (Pressure) area and there is very little wind so will expect to do a lot of motoring until the winds increase. As I write we are transiting between the islands of Pico and São Jorge with Faial island (Horta) disappearing behind us. It is a lovely sunny day over a calm sea. We are in the whale watching area and we can only hope that we see one or some. We will report. We should reach Angra do Heroismo on the island of Terceiera this evening. Monday (25th) will be spent sight seeing Terciera for Andy, Christine and Darrell. Peter & Bernie have been therer twice before. We will store ship with fresh meat, and salad gear. We will then plan to depart for Dartmouth on Tuesday (26th) and hope to be back in Dartmouth 3-6 August; dependent on winds. Note: do Google “Azores” for more information on each of the places mentioned above. |