Blog 06/06/11

Bernie’s Blog - Day 17 – Monday 6 June
2011 The rough weather continues but with the strong southerly 20+ kts wind abaft the starboard beam we are ‘creaming’ along at 7.5 kts (8.4 mph) and in the right direction; so the discomfort is offset by the knowledge that we are making great progress – 300 miles to go. If we keep up this rate we would arrive at about 0700 Wednesday, which means the Skipper P1, would win the sweepstake; any time after 0859 (up until 2300) then P2 would win. Folks, this is exciting! The winner will take the £50 and hopefully will put it to good use on the first ‘run ashore’ in Horta! We thank S1 for proffering advice on our bread making. As I write a further batch is proving in the battery compartment and with engine on to keep it warm. Results expected soon. Yesterday’s meals were an excellent ‘Coronation Tuna’ for lunch by Colin; and in the evening P2 made a very tasty Corned beef hash with baked beans on the side. Today’s discussion so far been concerning languages – mostly Latin – which brought for the following from Colin: Latin is a language, as dead as dead can
be; It killed the ancient Romans; and now its killing me. Rod told us he was taught Greek and Latin; P2 learned Greek, Latin, French and English (we find tis hard to believe!); Colin struggled with English; P1 was taught French; and Bernie was kicked out of Latin classes and failed French at mock ‘O’Level !! Late News: The bread – having followed instructions and S1’s advice the bread has not risen in the proving process. We are now giving it a boost in warm water. We will not be defeated! But that seems to not work either. We assess that the mix has deteriorated onboard since purchased in October 2010 as it says on the packet “store in a cool dry place”. We have a recently purchased packet which will be tried tomorrow – Tuesday. |