Position 27:53N 65:02W
Christopher & Nirit Slaney
Fri 6 May 2011 11:26
Friday morning. Friday is always a special
day on board Passepartout as this is the day of the
week we call our children.
Even if we've already spoken to each of them during
the week or exchanged e-mails, the Fridays phone call are unique and
not to be missed.
Bermuda is still 280 NM away and the wind
continues to blow exactly from that direction. Being used to
sailing in the Mediterranean sea
we are all too with head winds! Didn't think we would
have them in the Atlantic ocean though.
So we are still tacking, and apart of the fact that it
is taking us longer than we thought, we are having
a great time on the water.
At midnight the wind was weakening and with the
combination of the waves on the bow we were down to boat speed of 3.5
I sort of took advantage of the fact that
Chris was asleep and started the engine.
Still not going directly on our course as not to bounce
Passepartout against the waves, but a better course than
Looking at the rally yacht positions I deduce we might
not be last to arrive but guess the faster ones will make St
George's today.
Nirit |