Position 15:34.8N 61:27.6W

Christopher & Nirit Slaney
Wed 23 Feb 2011 11:27
At anchor off Portsmouth, Dominica after a lively over
night sail from St Lucia. I did some damage to the sail bag while reefing and we
have a leak in the foredeck which causes water to accumulate in one the closets
in the forward cabin. The sail bag has been given some attention and a few
hundred stitches until we can get it to a proper canvas repair shop, hopefully
in Tortola. The water leak needs more investigation.
The customs office in Portsmouth is fighting
unemployment on the island; eight different clerks dealt with our clearance.
This despite having used the 'e-Seaclear' online service to give advance
notice and enter all the data. We spent the afternoon with a guide rowing up the
Indian River, a local beauty spot teeming with jungle wildlife and the
inevitable rum punch in a shady bush bar.
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