At first light there was a slight breeze rippling over the water inside the
Cape Grace. Like zombies we emerged from our cabins and grabbed our first
cup of coffee before untying our lines and heading out. Although we left
Cape Grace marina at first light we had a few smaller things to do , pick up
last bit of paper work from Royal Cape and then head on over to the fuel
jetty. At around 10 in the morning we finally headed out towards the
notorious Cape Point. One always has to understand that when sailing the
wind will always come from the direction you are going in. Its just a given
fact. So on the engines came and we had to motor head on into the wind. Take
a slight turn and the wind would "curve" and stay on the nose. The seas
were slightly bumpy coming around Cape Point and we made good head way
before the sun went down. Over night the seas got pretty lumpy throwing the
kettle off to the stove and knocking over anything that was not stowed away
properly. Typical Cape weather we have beautiful blue green seas , a slight
breeze from behind and a blazing African sun when we woke up. Conner had the
dawn shift , hope he was impressed by his first night out on the water.