Day 67
Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Thu 15 Nov 2012 13:02
We are still heading up the Malacca Straights. Its pretty wild actually ,
Have loads of small fishing boats all around us. They trawl up and down
the coast avoiding the big ships. We are coming up to the major shipping
lanes where all the big boys seem to bottle - neck. We will keep a few
miles out the lane and slip up the side out of the major traffic.
Both engines are on and running as we have figured out that the currents
are Tidal , and we are on Spring tides t boot. So this means that with the
ebb and flow of the current we speed up and slow down and the water enters
and exits the Narrow Straights. I make it sound like a little river inlet
, but its one vast expanse of water , We can sometimes see the Malaysian
side and the odd island , and cannot see the Indonesian Side.(Yet)
Our Boat speed when we have a good current is around 7 to 8 Knots and
slows down to around 4.5 to 4 knots when its at its worst ( Like on the
nose ) . The weather is hot and humid and this morning we had some welcome
rain. Only 200 Miles to go , 200 Ships to Dodge ..... Still beats sitting
in a car in rush hour traffic.