Day 57

Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Sun 4 Nov 2012 21:08
We had a strange day today , Some wind , some rain , some sun , and then
dead calms. Yet as the night wore on , on we still motored. A few Tuna
have taken to swimming around the boat. Good Pan sized ones to boot. They
have been using the boat as shelter and then ambush small fish or
creatures in the water. So they swim along side the hull , then dart off
and disturb the surface. Mike has been throwing the Fishing lures at them
all day , he has tried Orange plastic squids , silver rapalas , and all
colours of the rainbow. I am sure I could hear the Tuna laughing over the
sound of Mike swearing. Luckily its Steak Sunday and we still have steak.
So those Tuna were lucky as the skipper was devising ways to blow them out
the water using toilet spray , some Handy Andy and a toothpick . Equator
is coming up , wondering if we can fool Conner into believing that there
is a dotted line we go over.