Day 55

Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Sat 3 Nov 2012 06:43
We passed under a big , massive , huge dark cloud yesterday . Winds were
light but we got some welcome rain. I keep thinking that this is a massive
ocean and that there is no one around , but then when night falls off in
the distance you can see a glow here , and a blinking light there. There
are alot of boats out here. I saw two the other day , was pretty surprised
at how small they were , and so far from land. Also there are allot of
birds around. I dont mean flocks , but every now and then you see one or
two. We have encountered a problem with a type of bird called a Booby ( A
Booby is a sea bird that dosnt look like a Tit) Funny enough they fly
around in pairs. One tried to sit on our winddex at the top of the mast
and snapped it. Mike said for dinner tonight we can have roast booby.