Day 6

Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Thu 13 Sep 2012 09:03
33:57.99 S   25:38.11 E
Flying up the coast past Kysna and by morning we had  Port Elizabeth in our wake our tactics were to head over the Augulas current just off Port Elizabeth. By the time we had reached the continental shelf the wind had pick up a bit. By a bit i mean 20 to 30 knots. The sea state really started getting grumpy. It wasn't even 2 hours after dawn when we decided that enough is enough. We were getting 35 knots winds on the nose and the current was so strong we were getting pushed backwards. We tried both engines , some sail , Nothing worked. Our only way forward was either due South (I dont do Ice Bergs ) or head back to Port Elizabeth.  Huge waves piled up on each other and the seas were confused and angry. We reviewed the weather files and noticed that we would not have enough time to get away from the current before the next front. So with feelings of defeat , we headed back to Port Elizabeth . By 6 in the evening we had tied up and were having drinks in the Friendly Bar at Algoa Bay Yacht club.  It seems so surreal that that very morning we were getting thrown around and wet. As i write this we are listening to the wind howl through the rigging of the yachts. Massive gusts of wind plough through the harbour , all i can say is , kinda glad i am not out there.