Day 34

Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Fri 12 Oct 2012 06:45
Cargados Carajos Shoals. At around 4 in the afternoon after a very bumpy
sail , we eased up to one of the many small islands at these shoals and
dropped our anchor. The Shoals have a number of small flat islands and
each having a small beach and some very wind swept trees including some
palm trees. Islands that look like Robinson Crusoe hangouts. With the
water at 29 degrees it was a nice time to go for a swim. Conner and
myself jumped off the back of the boat into the 29 degree water and after
i spotted a jellyfish we both hauled butt out. The island we anchored off
called Raphael island has a coast guard station and weather station. It is
manned by 5 guys. The coast guard came out to check on us and sign us in.
Conner and myself were still dripping when the coast guard guy told us is
best not to swim around this atoll because of the sharks. Nice. That
evening we sat at anchor and tried to get a good nights rest. Hard to rest
when your been circled by sharks.