Day 21

Untied and all wrapped up
Mike, Paul, Connor
Fri 28 Sep 2012 05:39
32:17 S 48:09 E

The day started out with some gusty winds of about 30 Knots trying its best
to push us down South again. We had to cut across the swells at a 90
degree angle so made for some good slapping waves smashing against the side
of the yacht throwing water over the deck. Conner managed to get one good
wave in the face much to our mirth. Found our first squid on deck this
morning , so many firsts for Conner , he has never seen a squid. So was
pretty novel to see this poor little creature. And the Albatross's have
gone. After spending a week with us it seems as soon as the water has
heated up a bit and they have disappear. We only have the odd Storm Petrel
and Shearwaters that swirl around the yacht. Other than that feels pretty
desolate out here , no ships , no planes , no other yachts , just endless
ocean , grey skies with iron coloured waves.