Hello everyone!! It’s been a long time since I haven’t talked to
all of you! Anyway ,now were in Fiji. It’s great there, there
are Indians everywhere. We just went to a small town called Labasa, it’s
exactly like India there; there are Indian shops, restaurants and a lot of
Indian people . All the Indians came 150 years ago as workers to grow sugar
cane in Fiji. Eventually, the Indian people stayed there so now the Indian people
are everywhere and their shops of saris and curries fill the town with
an Indian atmosphere! We are right now in a lovely anchorage where we just
saved a bird who was stuck in a fishing net we detangled him and brought him on
shore. BIRD GREEN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye bye And for all French friends BONNE VACANCES, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Marguerite |