DD and GG (Developpment Durable and Go Green)

Did you know that short from living in a cave or something,
living on a boat is the less polluting, most energy efficient and water saving
way of life?? We have solar panels for electricity and water heating, we
hardly need any fuel because the wind pushes us and since the beginning of the
boat’s trip (from the Canaries), we have travelled about 4000 nautical
miles (almost 8000 km.) and only used 500 litres of fuel. (An average car would
use 800 litres of fuel just to move) We use 500 litres of fuel to generate
electricity (for the refrigerator, the lamp sand watermaker) and move our 12
tonne boat when there is no wind. We also have a water maker which means we can use sea water
to drink and wash, we don’t have to buy much fish because we fish it
ourselves and were gonna install a wind turbine like most of the other boats.
We don’t need heating because the sun is always there and were all either
really sun tanned or just burned out and red by the sun… Our garbage is also very diminished as we have to keep our
garbage bags on the boat so we throw all our organic waste to sea (THIS DOES
NOT POLLUTE on the contrary of what some people think) or sometimes as bait for
fishing. Being on a boat also means being closer to animals like
dolphins, turtles and sometimes, whales. There’s a rule on the boat that
is whenever a dolphin or something else is near the boat we have to reel the
fishing lines. I guess I kind of said everything so anyway, Bye, Ferdi |