Night topics, 3rd Dec, 2100 UTC

Dear All, Only 1,100 miles to go but no wind today, following another
quite dull day. We have tried all sorts of sails configuration, gennak alone,
gennak + genoa in butterfly, main + gennak, spi alone, but nothing really sexy
in the end, so we have tested starboard engine + port engine and it works
really well! News from the galley: we are now getting to the end of the
frozen food as we do not fully trust the frost side given the failure of the generator.
We are also getting to the end of the fresh fruits and vegetables. Carrots and cucumbers
already died a few days ago but the potatoes and tomatoes have shown a
remarkable spirit till today. Part of the crew is very disappointed but others
are quite happy to revert to the basics of pasta and canned food: since the
main gas burner has also died on us (the small two are still working for now),
we will soon be back to good old student days of cold canned food, sometimes
interrupted by a happy fish if we get lucky. The wine has also fully resisted
the generator failure, so that the end of our trip may not be too bad after all. In the rare moments when we do not talk about food and good
wine, you would be surprised by the highly sophisticated level of the on-board conversations.
For instance this afternoon, we discussed artistic movies from the past with a
Navy theme such as The Love Boat (La croisiere s’amuse). When we are not busy with philosophy, we also do not mind
going back to life basics such as hand washing, that is for the underprivileged
members of the crew. The Vermersch family has effectively chosen another
option, having preferred getting their clothes pressed and ironed by hand in a high
street shop in Las Palmas. Since they could not bother getting them back in due
time before we left, their fresh and ironed clothes are being sent by DHL to St
Lucia and will be delivered by a personal butler as soon as we arrive in the
marina over there. One boat, two systems, as we would say in Hongkong. Noeluna wishes you a very happy night! |