Everything was a bit fast and messy these last few weeks,
and we didn’t have time to feed this blog ; or maybe we were just opening
our eyes to the view of the coconut trees, enjoying a new rhythm with old
friends on board, swimming every morning before breakfast, right after sunrise,
learning how to say hello to the dolphins who welcome us every time we arrive
at a new island… So let’s go back to the beginning… 1988 : Matthieu starts his first job in a French Bank. The
seed of going away, very far away and stop working has been sowed... 10 years ago : Matthieu is obsessively touring all the
boat shows of the planet. Just for fun, he says. 3 years ago : we have a boat, Noeluna. Just for vacations and
fun again. And then, end of 2009, I don’t know what suddenly
happened : Matthieu is crossing the Atlantic with Come, Didier, Philippe. The
kids and I are leaving Singapore, spending a few days in Paris to say good bye,
fly to Miami to meet a bearded sailor who brings us to Sainte Lucie. And here
we are, living in 20 square meters in a quiet, damp atmosphere for 8 months. What drug have you been putting in my breakfast tea every
morning Matthieu ? January 6 2010 : We are departing Sainte Lucie with Christopher
and Henry. After 7 days of navigation, we reach the San Blas Islands, and
spend a few days in this wonderful archipelago in front of Panama. Our super super helpful and adorable first crew, Christopher
and Henry have to go back to real life in Miami. Henry left first, this
morning, and will be followed by Chris tomorrow. We will then be on our way to Panama, where another
Miami crew, Bertrand, Liliana and Guillaume, will meet us. Now, we can properly start the happy blog of Noeluna
2010… By the way : Bonne Annee ! French people are allowed to make
their wishes until the end of January… We terribly, horribly missed the 3 kings cake this year. But no galette des rois in Sainte Lucie… Ciao, Marie-Anne PS : Bananas get ripe all of a sudden did you know ? |