58:18.98N 37:33.24W 36 Hours out to sea

mollihawk's shadow
eddie nicholson
Tue 12 Aug 2014 08:31
Yesterday we came through the remainder of the 70 mile Prinz Christiaan
Sund which was spectacular( photos to follow when we get back) waterfalls
cascading down the rock from a mile above ! Glaciers calving into the sound and
a clear sky to get the best view, with all this beauty around us we took our
time passing through.
When we came to the end, we were due to stay the night on a small pontoon
at a weather station before heading out but when we arrived we found 3 boats in
the very small spot. We were due for a 5 hour sleep before leaving at first
light in order to watch the ice carefully while we left the Greenland coast.
Because there was no room in the inn we decided to leave that night (10th).
We progressed slowly with little wind at first before managing to sail at
first light(3.30)
We are now 36 hours out on our way home, The winds are favourable and have
been sailing for 200nm . It now takes a bit of getting used to not having the
engine running!
Our first night was foggy and that turned into a day of mist which cleared
to a cloudy sky and a rolling sea. the forecast is favourable for the next few
days,and the winds are moderate.
We had a birthday celebration yesterday and Mike baked a cake ! Dermot’s
main present was a bottle of whiskey which we all hope to share in when it is
opened! plus a few fishing lures as he has had no luck yet, he even resorted to
following a locals advice by putting chewing gum (used) on the hooks as
nothing else occurs (legal speak for can’t think of anything else to say!)
bye for a WHILE |