Girls Arctic Experience 2 69:14.79N 53:33.09W

mollihawk's shadow
eddie nicholson
Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:04
DAY 4:
Another mozi hike to a trout lake finishing the walk in a tiny
Carla and Eddie canoed around to meet us in flat calm waters with the sun
Rest of the day was spent whale watching at a distance as we motored back
to Rode Bay for the night.
Mr.&Mrs. Nic were up @ 05.30 setting us on a course for Godhaven @ the
Southern tip of Disko Island a 10 hour trip away.
Most of the brash ice was negotiated while the majority of the crew slept
and when a 10-15knot wind finally set in it allowed us to sail to the
All through the passage we passed icebergs of varying sizes and every
conceivable shape and enjoyed watching the magnificence of these colossal
wonders of nature.
One iceberg of approx. 50 m high had a cathedral shaped dome roof with 3
arches supported by a central column had large pieces of ice continually falling
off into the sea 50m below. Intrigued by this berg we motored up and back
watching, filming and listening to the thunderous cracks as each new piece broke
off and smacked into the sea below.
Terrifying stuff! Having spent an awe inspiring hour and took some amazing
footage and photo’s we started to head away. Our backs were no sooner turned
when the entire column and ceiling of the berg collapsed. Alerted by the large
crack we turned to witness this implosion, captured by Eddie on camera!
A wave emanated outwards from the berg from the impact of the ice hitting
the sea.
We headed happily onwards the remaining 5 miles to Godhaven harbour, where
we anchored for the night. A shore party was sent to sus the scene and watched a
pack of Huskies being fed while enjoying a walk around the settlement. A
restaurant was found which served meals to hikers and had a plate of fish
or fish on the menu and sherry for wine!
DAY 5:
We headed out whale watching once the alert of a humpback had been raised
by Eddie who spotted him from the shore.
As we left the harbour entrance another Humpback appeared, gliding
majestically through the water. He preformed beautifully for us diving several
times , giving us the infamous sight of his tail in the air. An amazing sight to
be so close to and to hear and see him spouting as he surfaced for air, his
spume turning the full colours of the rainbow as the light caught it.
At this point we had decided to head back from Disko Island to Rode Bay for
our 2nd last night. Not a breath of wind, water like a mill pond , just
gorgeous. Turned off the engine for lunch and floated around amongst the bergs,
a sight which is impossible to describe....When suddenly Carla spotted a
Humpback Whale swimming directly for us!
Lunch was abandoned and the cameras were grabbed, some wondered if we
should get out of his way. He came so close that we were hanging over the stern
as he passed under the boat, when he suddenly surfaced alongside us giving both
him and us an enormous fright! He came so close he was too close to photograph!
– but what an experience.
During the day the weather brightened to a gloriously calm, sunny evening.
We were entertained along the way with further whale activity, seals playing and
a few porpoises. With an hour or so left in the journey and the fog descended
upon us at 9.30pm and behind the fog was a sea of the most dense brash ice we
had experienced to date.
So in a moment conditions became seriously worrying as we were not sure we
would make it through the ice. With the poor visibility and the engine speed
reduced to almost nothing so as to avoid hitting any of these nasty lumps of ice
we weaved our way through with Mike on the helm and Eddie on the bow searching
for a safe route through.
We had still 10 miles to go to the coast and the brash ice got heavier as
we ploughed through it and almost impenetrable in places. As we realised the
seriousness of our predicament all went quiet on board. An incredibly red
sinking sun provided us with a beautiful sunset with foggy bergs in the
foreground, wonderful to look at now but quite erey at the time. The
outdoor ( and indoor in this boat!)temperature dropped to 3 degrees and the sea
temperature went dramatically down from plus 4 to minus 4 degrees!
Three hours of weaving and after midnight we emerged the other side of this
dramatic ice pack, the Gods were on our side as there was no wind this night and
the light was still bright even for the hot chocolates with rum which went down
a treat once anchored in Rode Bay at 1AM.
DAY 6:
We motored off for Ilulissat aware that the ice was ahead of us outside in
the bay and hoped we could stay inside it all the way up the coast.
It was clear enough when we got out there and this allowed us some time to
fish for the hallibut which is in abundance here but in deep waters, try as he
may Dermot has yet to catch one, last excuse was that he hadn’t enough line to
get to the bottom, some 300m below!
We compromised and motored up to a fishing dory and bought amazing halibut
which we saw being caught and we cooked and ate them before the fisherman had
finished landing his catch, now you can’t get fresher than that!
A much needed shower before dinner in the ICEFIORD hotel which looks out
onto the Glacier and an early bed was the end of an amazing week in the Arctic.