61:20.52N 49:40.52W
mollihawk's shadow
eddie nicholson
Fri 18 Jul 2014 07:14
now we are motoring North up the coast making great progress, the fog which
has been hanging around us all day has finally cleared to give us blue skies and
a fab sunset.
Now that our diesel tanks are full we realise that our gas supplies are
going down faster than expected, the last bottle lasted 3 days not the 7 it was
supposed to do, too many hot drinks I suspect and not forgetting the round of
Hot Whiskeys we had tonight!
The gasbottles in Greenland are different from the Irish system and we are
on an American system different again so we bought enough Gas in Canada to do us
till we make it to Cork, we hope! perish the thought that cutting back on the
Hot Whiskeys might sort it! |