la Csie Harbour. 49:57.35N 55:36.36W
mollihawk's shadow
eddie nicholson
Sat 21 Jul 2012 23:07
We toured around the fjord of Fourche this morning or more properly known as Williamsport, there is a grave yard with more evidence of the Irish settlers a few dishevelled wooden huts and and disused whaling station.
It is the most fantastic feeling motoring through these deep narrow fjords with woodland from the top to the waters edge.
We wandered ashore and scared off a Moose or two in this otherwise vacant habitat.
Again Dermot's insatiable appetite to fish had us catching a big Cod before leaving even if the licence was still dodgy at best!
We had a lovely sail 40 miles to La Csie with a small Following wind, and arrived into a larger than used to port where they even have a fire engine( which was heading off somewhere as we arrived!) TOmorrow we head to Lewisporte which we are told is the best overwintering spot on th eIsland , a comforting thought.