Nanortalik Ahoy! 60:09.06N 45:44.84W
mollihawk's shadow
eddie nicholson
Fri 8 Aug 2014 13:52
The motoring down the coast continues but land is on the bow, with 30 miles
to go we are preparing the shore party.
Washing, showers, weather updated, ships stores to be replenished, loo’s to
be repaired if we can only find the spare parts amongst the spare parts
We are getting excited about our next adventure through the Prins Christian
Sound which is recognised by most as spectacular and by a few who meet it in bad
weather as best avoided. The weather is settled at present and if anything not
much wind for us to set sail for Ireland.
This has its advantages as the opposite is to force a delay in our
departure, due to a low pressure and at this stage of the trip the silence when
the engine is off unsettles the crew!
When I calculate the miles motored so far I see that we passed the 13,000
mile mark 9 miles ago! that is since our travels began in 2008, this trip sees
2,452 miles consume, most of it under engine.
We continue with our 24 hours watch and need a lookout on day and night as
the icebergs are all about and the small bergs –Growlers are always lurking
where you wouldn’t expect one, this leaves little time to do much else and can
be tiring when the fog comes in, to keep concentrating in 500m of
These bergs are originating from the East coast and being carried around by
the prevailing current, so we can expect to travel through them again once we
emerge out of the Sound and head for home for at least a day.
The new recruits are settling in as you will see one has tried his hand at
the blog, while I studied Latin in school I never mastered it well enough to
understand what the Hell he is talking about, maybe some of our more learned
readers of this blog will get it!
The meal prepared the other night by this same orderly was very well
received except for the fact that a starter was produced ahead of the main
course which caught the resting chef off guard as he prefers to feed the crew
one substantial course rather than the noveaux cuisine el dante approach.
The Hod has acknowledged that will he deserves another chance later in the
week. I’m not sure he has much else to contribute to the blog!