Atlantic Crossing - so riveting, it had to be put in, in it's entirety!! 50:09.27N 05:03.95W

1st Atlantic Crossing from St Augustine, Florida Across the core of the Gulf Stream by daybreak. Afternoon the wind up to NW6, overnight NW7, and very cold. Noon position 30:32.7N 78:39.3W eta Bermuda early hours 7th.
2nd Overnight the wind freshened to 7/8 and moved into the North, not unexpected and not unavoidable if I wanted to get away before next week sometime. Porridge for breakfast! This morning the wind has been slowly moderating and will do so for the rest of the trip to Bermuda. During the morning I very nearly ran over what I took to be a short finned pilot whale (about 8m long ) just lying on the surface in front of me. Managed to alter course just in time when it dawned on me that it wasn’t getting out of the way. As it passed by the side I caught a glimpse of the very distinctive fin of a killer whale break the surface!!!! Sea became just a bit too uncomfortable and I ran off for about 6 hours. Noon Position 30:38.N 76:05.9W eta Bermuda early7th.
3rd A bright sunny day and a bit warmer, making hard work of it in a gusty wind. Overnight it becomes lighter and fickle. Noon position: 31:13.1N 73:42.3W eta Bermuda remains early hours 7th.
4th The wind started to move ahead and is now blowing straight from Bermuda which is still 360nms away. Also the wind is getting lighter further East so I’ve tacked off to the North in the hope of keeping sailing. When I set off it looked as if I’d get almost there before the wind faded but it has all moved forward. No eta as I’m pretty sure that Bermuda is not going to be worth the effort. I’ll keep going North with as much East as I can until I can make more East. Mind you, it’s questionable if the wind will hold going North. Noon position 31:27.4N 071:49.9W heading 020T.
5th The breeze is holding up and I’m making some easting as well. Also as I move North I’m getting some favourable current which always helps. It will be like this all week, according to the Grib files, but with some luck it may work out ok. It was the right move to give up on Bermuda. Noon position 33:08.3N 70:49.0W, course now North Easterly. Eta Lizard 29th pm @ 5.5kts. Will be lucky to make 5kts the next few days.
6th Overnight
the wind almost died and backed, suggesting that the blocking high pressure was
moving North. During the morning all of that has reversed with the wind a little
fresher and veered somewhat. The forecast says the high will move South and it
seems to be doing that. Fingers crossed. Noon position 34:29.4N 69 30.0W eta Lizard, still late pm 29th.
7th Again the wind died away overnight and again it is building today but also back in the South. With a bit of luck the worst is over. I am, after three days, actually pointing in the right direction. Weather has been overcast these last two days but today it’s also spitting with rain. Noon Position 35:07.2N 67:32.1W eta now early hours 30th
8th Atlantic Crossing Yesterday looked so hopeful, but once again the wind has collapsed. Motored for an hour to put a bit of charge in the batteries (no sun and no wind) and then drifted. By lunchtime I finally broke out from under the blanket of cloud that I’ve been under for days. Still no wind. Noon position 35:42.8N 65:49.2W. Drifting at present, always hopeful the wind will blow again someday.
9th About 12 of the last 24 hrs have been spent drifting with all sails down, but now back under way and making 5.5kts NE (shame I want to go East!) The sun is out and the wind is blowing, at last! Should have a few days good sailing. Noon Position 36:34.9N 65:05.7W, eta Lizard now 31st. Averaged 1.9kts in last 24hrs! Later the wind moved slowly to the south and I’m able to make the course. I’ve heard from Spectra as they are experiencing the first of the season’s Tropical Storms - Ana!
10th Overnight I ran into the Gulf Stream, which is maybe a bit further South because of TS Ana which is going ashore today in the Carolinas. Anyway, currents of up to 4.5 knots making for a very confused sea and producing a lot of cloud, as well as playing havoc with the apparent wind. Speeds over the ground of 8.5kts noted but alas not quite in the right direction, as always. By midmorning the Gulf Stream seems to have gone away with things settling down and the sun shining. A better day’s progress and looking good for the next few days. Noon Position 37:05.4N 62:01.4W, eta now back to the 30th. Fine and sunny with a fair breeze, For days I’ve been trying to go East but the current and the wind wanted me to go NE and today’s Grib file tells me that I was right. Bit of a blow coming soon but I’ve got time to get further South and miss the worst, and the wind is now kind enough to let me do it. All this puts extra miles on the trip.
11th Last 24hrs have been a pleasure, sunny skies, 15kts on the beam and very little swell. Still holding a course of ESE to give some distance from the low pressure moving across further North. Just after sunrise I spotted a group of about 6 whales breeching a half mile astern, too far away to identify. Noon Position 36:04.5N 59:18.6W. Heading ESE eta 31st again because of the extra miles coming back South.
12th Turn East in the early hours with the barometer rising and the wind falling. I figured I’d come far enough South. Just after breakfast, I’m sitting in the cockpit when behind me there is the noise of a huge blow. I turn to see one very very big whale disappearing under the waves. After consulting our whale ID book, the best I can come up with is a Pygmy Blue Whale which manage an awe-inspiring 22m in length. Noon Position 35:56.2N 56:53.9W heading East eta 31st.
13th Wind a bit fresher today, better boat speed. Steering a little South of East as there is a new low developing West of me and I want to be sure I’m on the South side of it. Noon position 35:48.2N 53:59.5W, eta still 31st. Waiting for the weather to settle in the North before moving further North.
14th Atlantic Crossing Early hours brought the peak of the wind (26kts) from the first low which I originally started South from, on Sunday. By mid-morning, once the sea had died down a bit, I’m pointing in the right direction. Another bright sunny day (although cold and damp at night). A little less wind today but going along just fine. Noon Position 35:37.6N 51:02.2W, eta 31st
16th Noon Position 37:18.2N 45:03.9W, eta still 31st. Good wind over the last 24hrs producing the best day’s run so far of 6.6kts made good, but light winds into next week. Sailing a little North of track as wind is well in the SE but that will ease over today.
17th Noon position 38:25.8N 41:55.2W. Another day of good winds, giving us 6.8kts for the day. In light of the forecast, I’m now heading straight for the Lizard.
18th Noon position 39:32.3N 38:52.1W eta Lizard 30th. Lighter winds since yesterday pm. Flew the gennaker for a while but the wind persists in remaining too far forward to make the course with it up. Wind moved a bit more to the South after lunch so now flying the gennaker to try and keep the boat speed up in the light winds. 19th Atlantic Crossing Light winds continue, variable with rain overnight, but steady with sun today. Passed a French yacht heading for the Azores at 1am. While I see dolphins most days, today the sea has been full of them. Large packs swimming along with great speed and much acrobatic endeavour. Noon position 40:23.5N 36:44.4W, eta lizard 30th.
20th Noon position 41:08.4N 34:37.6W eta 30th. A grey day with little wind and some light rain. Say no more! After lunch the skies cleared but the wind died. Engine on, then off for a while and then on for 6hrs! Spotted an enormous Killer Whale about half a mile away swimming in the opposite direction, with much intent.
21st Noon position 42:11.7N 32:48.6W, eta 31st. Dawn brought a grey day with drizzle and little wind. Sun made a showing for a while later on. Had a bit of a Captain Ahab moment, when I was chased by a sperm whale! It was only a little youngster and not white, thankfully. It soon became tired and gave up. Cute little 4m long chap! Mum and the rest of the group were someway off, fortunately. Also the usual load of dolphins, but some doing the most amazing big jumps followed by painful looking belly flops. Light winds are set to continue, there appears to be a bubble of high pressure coming up from the Azores.
22nd Noon position 43:10.1N 30:33.4W eta Lizard 31st. Another grey day with light winds continuing to dominate and there seems little change in the forecast, which is a bit of a disappointment, considering my latitude is now 43N. It was about here, last crossing, that I was enjoying a F8 on 27th May. Having said that, there was a half decent breeze overnight which was a great help. Engine on after breakfast till 11am.
23rd Noon position 43:43.5N 28:26.6W, eta Lizard 31st. One advantage of these calm conditions is it makes whale spotting really easy. Had a group of four sperm whales surface ahead and to port. I passed just 200m from them as they lay on the surface, I assume getting their breath back after a deep dive as there was much huffing and puffing!
24th Noon position 44:23.6N 26:21.1W, eta Lizard 31st. A little more wind than forecast overnight, also it moved forward so struck the gennaker after 6 days of almost continuous use. Remains overcast with the odd spot of rain. During the evening I’m thinking that I’ve left behind all the whales etc. as there had only been one set of dolphins early on in the day, when a Minke, I think, surfaces right in front of me. Not sure who was more surprised but it swam alongside for a while to check me out.
25th Noon position 44:59.1N 24:13.6W. Eta Lizard still 31st, just! After thinking yesterday, that I’d finally got away from this high pressure today started off with no wind and the engine on until daylight. Light breeze but well forward so no great speed. Overcast again. 26th Atlantic Crossing Noon position 45:36.8N 21:43.4W, eta Lizard now early hours 1st. In the last hour the bloody MHU has thrown a wobbler, the AWA started drifting and now seems to be 180 degrees out of position. This is the unit that B&G Fort Lauderdale sent us after they lost ours! What are the chances of B&G UK honouring the repair? A bit more wind today, it gets a little better every day. The sun made a showing yesterday pm but overcast skies and drizzle are here again this morning. Better breeze from the North after motoring yesterday evening for 4 hours. The high pressure that is causing all of this is now forecast to decline and later in the week we should be into Westerleys. Still glad I left when I did otherwise I’d be on the other side of the high with Easterly winds. Radio 4 long wave is very good on the SSB during the night.
27th Noon position 46:03.4N 19:15.7W. Eta 1st but this will go back further if the wind doesn’t start to blow. Today is the day I should have arrived in Falmouth if I’d managed the 6kts I averaged last Eastbound crossing. Alas, I’ve still 600nms to go. Overnight the wind was light and variable, engine on and off several times. Overcast and drizzly, little sign of high pressure declining. The promised Westerleys may not happen as the latest Grib shows a new high developing on Fri/Sat, right ahead of me, effectively blocking the entrance to the Channel. The distance to go is still greater than the fuel on board so I have to try and sail whenever I can.
28th Noon position 47:01.1N 16:42.1W eta Lizard 1st am. The eleventh day of light winds, despite the forecast being F4/5. Still overcast but, at least, it’s not raining.
29th Noon position 47:29.2N 13:44.0W, eta Lizard 0800 1st. Some wind overnight, continuing mainly overcast but much drier, the MHU obviously likes it drier as it has started to work again. Maybe I should climb the mast and put a plastic bag over it every time it rains. Spotted small group of Pilot whales and one unidentified guy who came up right by the stern just as I was eating my porridge in the cockpit at first light. Looking like I shall need the storm staysail for the last 12hrs into Falmouth according to this morning’s Grib. 2.45pm engine on, the wind has gone! Latest Grib shows a much calmer outlook than 12hrs ago. I must be bringing my own special calming influence!, Anyway, I can now just about motor the whole way if necessary.
30th Noon Position 48:19.0N 10:58.4W, eta lizard 0800 1st. At last, after motoring for 18 hrs, I have some wind which should take me to Falmouth
31st Noon Position 49:07.8N 07:33.0W, eta Lizard 0500 tomorrow. Wind is a fresh 6/7 which is fine but it is so cold at night, I can’t stay up in the cockpit for more than 5 minutes.
Total for May 3,669nms and 13,500nms since RT was last in Ramsgate