Salute to fellow-cruiser and friend, Roger Pratt, killed on St Lucia

This morning, our opinion of the Caribbean changed alarmingly.
We heard some dreadful news on the morning cruisers net, that an English guy had been shot and killed on St Lucia on his yacht. Later that day we decamped to the Internet bar to find out what happened. A total shock to find that the boat was Magnetic Attraction and lovely Roger was killed. We had met him and Margaret in Portugal in September and had spent several lovely days socialising with them, with Island Kea and Mahimahi.
The original reports said he was shot, but it emerged later (from what we can make out from the press!) that he was beaten and drowned as a result of being tipped overboard. We cannot imagine what Margaret is going through right now but we send our love to her through the ether.
I’m sure the next few days will bring more details, both true and distorted and downright false! Will wait to hear from Margaret if there is anything we can do to help.
This news has certainly overshadowed the Caribbean life for us and also has changed our sail plan as we are voting with our feet (or should I say, sails) and have decided not to go South again, which was our original intention. I think Margaret would probably say that we shouldn't change our plans and that most of the people they met were lovely, but that's the way we feel.. My feeling is that this is the only way to get these islands safe again, if they are avoided by yachties, and tourists generally.
Since then, we have been locking our entrance hatch at night and making plans to move on as there is more petty theft from boats going on in the St Martin lagoon as well.
PS I sent this blog to Margaret, for her approval before posting, as she has had too much media intrusion - here is her reply
This is fine. You’re right, I would say don’t give in; and I also think that locking the hatch doesn’t help: if your number’s on it, your number’s on it. It was very interesting- we both instinctively came out into the cockpit ready to defend. I just hope that the red mist descended for Roger. I’m pretty sure it did. But even a very fit 60-something can’t take on one or two twenty-somethings and expect to win…. |