Rabat to Cape Verdes via UK!

Right Turn
Mike Goldsmith & Kate Richmond
Tue 30 Nov 2010 14:26

Mike returned to Rabat from UK late on 9th, leaving Kate in Kent trying to get the “granny annexe” finished and enjoying being Grandma!


Still a very large breaking swell at the river entrance making it unsafe to leave. Also there is a big hole in the wind  which will cost more in fuel to motor through than marina fees if I stay, so looks like I’ll stay a while.


 Finally left late afternoon on the 13th and cleared the entrance just before sunset. Had to time passing through the breakwaters to avoid the surf so and as it’s due to build I guess the port will be closed again tomorrow.


Two bites on the line but they both got away, gave up until things calmed down a bit.


Weather continues to improve slowly. Resumed fishing this morning and quickly had a bite but alas yet another one to escape. Then another and another and then yet another escaped, the last one took the hook, lure and wire trace after running off all the line on the reel and parting the line before I could even get to it. The scream from the reel was impressive and I noticed later that the line counter is no longer working. Decided to give up fishing for the rest of the day.


Motored a little during the night. Resumed fishing, and had a bite almost straight away, but yet another one got away, this one by straightening out the brand new hook! Must be some big fish around here.


Some sailing over night but much use of the engine, very light winds continue despite continued forecasted wind. Some days I could gladly put weather forecasters in the same box as estate agents. That’s the box I’m dropping over the side half way across the Atlantic. Once in Santa Cruz marina it can only be described as scorchio!


Sidney Opera House & the Twin Towers, ~wasn’t this shot in last years blog?


Big shop at the supermarket, a bit of a cook up and I’m already to go but alas there is no wind but now the forecasts agree that there is no wind!


Sat around waiting on the wind then decided to go looking for it as the flies are getting on my nerves. Got away around noon and a school of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins came to say farewell. Sailed clear of the islands (just) and then becalmed! Dropped sails and drifted into the night.


Santa Cruz marina, two ways to cross the Atlantic, one 25ft the other 75ft.



By the early hours we should have had a nice easterly breeze, but it remained calm and I remained drifting ….. This could turn into a long old trip. Motored a little during the morning and said breeze filled in around lunchtime.


Unusually the top of Tenerife clear of cloud.


Breeze filled in during the night and now going along very well. This is now contrary to the forecast!!!!!


Resumed fishing at first light, ideal conditions, not sailing too fast.  Managed to catch and land a bit of old rope.  Then I hooked a really big one (again). He was leaping out of the water and putting up a real old fight and won. Not long after we had a return match (not as big) and I won. Maui Maui for lunch.



My luck run out over night with attempts to get south of a new area of no wind. By daybreak I tried drifting but there was too much swell so engine on and motor to the west and hopefully get through into some more wind by nightfall. Started fishing again today and almost immediately caught another Maui Maui. They are much more fun than tuna, they don’t seem to be able to get off the hook and also they jump right out of the water and make a real fight of it. Maui Maui for lunch again!

I’ll stop fishing for a while, for some reason I’m catching these guys much faster than I can eat them. Spotted a big old Green Back Turtle at least 4 foot across swimming by. Sailed a bit, drifted a bit and motored a bit….


A southerly breeze came in quite well over night and we made good progress. Busy out here, four other sailing vessels visible at one point during the night and for one I even had to alter course. I’m thinking that I’ll put into Mindelo  (Cape Verdes) until this weather sorts itself out.


Maui Maui with its head bashed in! He measured in at 34 inches in length.


 This day last year we left Mindelo for Grenada and the wind was firmly in the east were it belongs but today its in the west and forecast to remain westerly and get lighter!  First two flying fish of the trip landed on deck over night.


Day break saw the wind fading away and is now forecasted to remain light for 48hrs. After breakfast the engine was on and so I set course for Mindelo. Spotted just north of Sao Vicente a group of about a dozen sperm whale lying on the water (this is apparently typical behaviour called “logging”) Interestingly swimming amongst them was one very large black fin that didn’t belong to a sperm whale. Anchored Mindelo 2115hrs on 30th.