1 of 2 Staniel Cay, Bahamas to Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Happy Birthday to
H! Went ashore, both wearing our
Bermuda Triangle ponchos, and both arrived at the Yacht Club dinghy dock soaked!
The ride across the entrance cut against wind and tide was horrible but the
Yacht Club dinghy dock was very sweet, calm and welcoming! On the way back we
found “Titta Emil’s” which is the local bakery – actually you go in to the
kitchen of her house and she and a bearded lady tell you what they’ve baked
today. We got 2 loaves of bread – which will have to be rationed, as this is the
last island with a bakery –and returned to Yacht Club for essentials – 2 beers
and a bottle of rum!
Here, Piggy,
Moved round to Big
Majors Spot and went ashore to try and find the swimming pigs.
Partial success, we found paddling pigs, which I’d read, can bite –
hence the circling of the dinghy to avoid them! Spent the rest of
the day, lounging about in blue water.
Stay, Piggy,
Happy 1st Mothers Day to Hannah
and my 28th, as she was born on Mothers
Day! Dinghyed round to Thunderball grotto – as
seen in Thunderball, the movie and several others, including Splash, apparently.
Snorkelled into the grotto – amazing as the light comes down from a blowhole
above. Lots of fishes like swimming in an aquarium.
Rich boys toys, in this case,
include an inflatable massive water
slide! Less than 5nm sail
to Sampson Cay as they have a restaurant apparently. Then lazed away
another day watching the
Went ashore in the morning to have a look at the restaurant for early Birthday dinner. Typically, however, the restaurant is shut today because one of the chefs is off. They also have run out of diesel (not that we need it, but some of the big guzzling motor boats around here might!) – they don’t know when they’ll have some- “maybe this week, maybe Thursday or Friday but God is probably the only one who knows for sure!” – was the message put out on the VHF. Went to the National Exuma Park HQ to take a look around.
Walked the Boo Boo Hill Trail to the
blowholes on the Atlantic side. Mike’s tee-shirt flapping is the
result of the gust of air being pushed out of the blowhole by the
tide. The little paw prints – only had Mike’s wallet to compare for
scale are those of the Bahamian Hutia, a bit like a guinea pig. The
lizard with the curly tail is called a Curly-Tailed Lizard! Pile of
driftwood, painted by individual boats is the only place you are
allowed to leave anything. We saw a sign by Ainia – wonder if it’s
the guys we met last year in St Martins. Back to boat for another
lazy afternoon.
On to
Highborne hoping for the advertised catering service so that Mike could order in
for my birthday dinner. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, she doesn’t listen
to her VHF in the afternoons! Luckily we had 1 bottle of champers still on board
(the wine has long gone) so we split that over tilapia fish curry and turned in.
Funny sort of birthday – no presents, no cards, no Internet access, no mobile
phone service and, most importantly, no restaurant! Huge payback credits tho for
blowout lobster dinner when we get to
Nassau! Lovely sail up to within striking distance of Nassau and dropped the anchor. 7-mile trip motoring as no wind into the suggested anchorage on the East end of the island.
Internet achieved on the boat so was able to pick up lovely e-cards and messages with Birthday greetings from friends and family. Thanks all! We were followed over by the Canadians from Rose Island – Jim and Irene on Escapaid- who kindly invited us for sundowners. Also saw Emma Nuestra – Georgie and David – passing us for another anchorage, so called them on VHF to get them back to anchor with us. Liquor and food quest completed and back to RT and then to Escapaid for drinks and nibbles. We had a good evening with them and tottered back to make a pizza, as in my rush for booze, forgot to buy anything useful for meals but have fridge full of doughnuts and cheesecake! I had determined that this was the day for my Birthday
Sunday Brunch so we set off walking to Paradise Island where our crap pilot book
says the Sheraton Hotel is, where according to the Internet they do the best
Sunday Brunch. Walked over the bridge to Paradise Island, to be told that the
Sheraton was back on the side we’d just come from! That bloody thing is going
Below: Conch shells (pronounced Conk
here) Right: the view
East from the bridge to Paradise
Island Not wanting to walk all the way back we went into
Atlantis (imagine a cross between a low level Sea World and Las Vegas!) and,
armed with wrist tags, we set off round the aquarium exhibits. I have to say,
apart from being hot and tired, I quite enjoyed playing tourist for the day. Not
sure Mike enjoyed it quite so much!
Various Atlantis Aquarium exhibits –
including Nemo “found” and odd bloke on rope
Bumped into
Irene and Jim from Escapaid who were there, celebrating her 65th
Birthday. Congrats, Irene! Having had a doughnut for breakfast and
an ice cream for lunch followed by a beer, we gave in and got a taxi
back – don’t think we’ve walked quite so far for
weeks! Left: Love this school of
rays looking like a load of dead leaves in the water Below: Part of the casino where I lost $20 on
a machine and very weird casino immense light
David and Georgie on board RT for sundowners,
followed by Irene and Jim fresh from their Atlantis day. Lots of
tales swapped and things drunk and totally destroyed David’s last
lump of 7-year-old cheddar with our Branston pickle!
Decided a walking tour round Nassau downtown
would be a good idea but Mike’s bottom fairly early on destroyed
progress! Back to boat so Mike could lie down! Photo: stretch limo and a surrey (without a
fringe on top!) but I loved the sign on the church wall behind
advocating “Protect Ya
Tings! use a rubber
everytime!” We think we went to the supermarket to provision the boat
for the next week as we intended to leave the next morning but as Georgie was
talking us in to staying and plying us with drinks – we may have got the days
muddled up! Georgie’s Birthday and Pete’s 60th – Happy Birthday to both. Georgie is very persuasive and managed to get us to stay in Nassau not just one extra day, but two! She twisted our arms today to stay to go out to dinner at the Poop Deck, the local busy restaurant. We had Kir Royales first on board RT then Dinghyed up to the restaurant for birthday fish suppers and then back to Emma for whiskies. Carefully avoided the lobster that to Georgie’s continuing outrage was $44 for only 10ozs. Lovely evening and great company.
David valiantly rowing them back off a too
bit! Mike and Georgie clambered over fishing boats
to get at the
With Georgie and David to dinghy up to Potters Cay for
expedition to find lobster for dinner for a lot less than $44! Easily located 3
lobster for $25 and Georgie bought 7 and later a couple of massive fish for
their freezer which must be immense!
Above: Barracuda Below: Ugly
bugger! So, in the evening, we went over to Emma for hors
d’oeuvres of lobster claws and antenna and main meal of lovely lobster tail
Georgie demonstrating how to crack lobster
claws and antennae with her teeth and the bowl of bits for hors
David at the BBQ and the remains of my lovely
meal I forgot to photo
earlier! Loads of salads and booze and a horrendous rainstorm
completed the evening. We managed to get the water bailed out of the dinghy and
the outboard did eventually start. Thank you so much to David and Georgie who
managed to lengthen our stay in Nassau by 2 days and made it so very enjoyable.
We look forward to driving up to Toronto to see them
Left Nassau around 7.30 – lovely to see
Georgie and David up early enough to wave us off (checking we were
Left: Despite checking the bridge heights
every time, we are still never totally convinced we are going to fit
under bridges! Below: A Nassau shore side house we could
aspire to.
Check out the flume running between the
funnels on the Disney cruise
ship! Had a
fairly uneventful, gentle downwind sail to Chub Cay where we anchored for a
slightly rolly night and then settled down to watch a movie off the hard drive
that Georgie so kindly gave us.
After early morning deliberations, we decided wind was
strong enough to get us underway .We finally ran out of wind having caught 2
fish and motored on for an hour to anchor off the Mackie shoal. Really bizarre
to be anchored in 4 metres of water but not able to see any land around us in
any direction!
Sailed a bit, rained a lot, motored a bit and
parked off North Bimini, our last island overnight before we hit the
US of A. Lovely calm anchorage where we swam – current was so strong
it took all my strength to get back to boat! Caught 2 more fish –
obviously, getting better at
Motored 50 miles as not a breath of wind – Mike not a terribly happy boy! But he did catch yet another fish – a small mahi-mahi so I’ve had to tell him to stop fishing! This one managed to jump into the aft locker so Mike is trying to find it again!