Dover to Bayona

Dover Apart from our casting off
party at we just sat in the marina waiting and entertaining grandson Henry
followed by friends and family for “The Last
Pics: Being shown round the lifeboat by Harry and then telling Mike and Henry to smile and look at the effect! Casting off party at Cullin’s Yard Dover to Cowes Kate leaves RT for a week while Mike takes RT onto Channel
Islands. Awake at 0115hrs, I can
hear a breeze picking up. 0130hrs the wind alarm I set goes off, time to get
going as the wind won’t last long. Clear of the harbour by 0200hrs and a good NE
4 –5 takes me just past Brighton before fading away. Want to push on to the Solent to save a
night in a marina and to be in position to cross the channel on Friday. Anchored
by 1930hrs, Osborne bay, Cowes. Cowes to Studland Bay Quiet night at anchor. Left at
1100hrs and had a very good sail up wind to Studland arriving at 1630hrs. Great
fun sailing through the Cowes Week fleets mustered off the RYS waiting to start.
This year the biggest and fastest boat goes to the Russian money. Traced the
engine cooling water leak to a pinhole in hose. New hoses in
Guernsey! Studland Bay to Alderney Up early and off by 0300hrs. Must
get over to Alderney by 1800hrs or the tide will turn and I’ll never get in
before the wee hours. Day starts with some rain but the wind holds all day with
some sun later, I make Alderney by 1330hrs and pick up a
buoy. Alderney Pick up new outboard. Small job to change some engine cooling water
hoses grows arms and legs while Kate gets to go to Canterbury to see Gruffalo’s
Child for Henry’s birthday treat – I’m not
Chasing pigeons and displaying builders bum
in Canterbury armed with a
Gruffalo! Alderney Rain all morning. Brightened a little in the afternoon, took a walk
around the town – didn’t take long – everything shut! Frustrated as I can’t
order the parts for the engine until tomorrow and the next day delivery talked
of yesterday might not happen – island
living! Alderney After much hanging around, finally managed to get parts ordered and
delivery is meant to be tomorrow… we’ll see. Warmed up a bit during
PM Alderney Happy 3rd Birthday to Henry. A cold night, need to get south pretty
soon. Parts still not in. Kate now flying out on Thurs because she’ll be
recovering from spending today at Legoland!
Alderney still waiting! Alderney the engine part finally arrived and is fitted, much relieved, just a
very small leak on the hose that needs replacing. Kate arrives from UK and takes
over log writing! So glad to see that the spare part arriving takes precedence
over me arriving. It was ever thus!
Alderney to Guernsey left Alderney 0530 for St Peter
Port arrived 1045. Moored up on the pontoon, various trips to chandlers in
search of the right piece of hose with no joy. So Mike jury-rigs something and
we are running again. Guernsey Waiting in St peter port for some sunshine and wind from the right
direction! Fab fish platter lunch at Christies. Yet another trip to chandlers
for something else they didn’t stock!
St Peter Port to Lesardrieux, Brittany Mike had us off the pontoon around
6.30 apparently, whilst I took up position on the saloon sofa fighting off my
usual first day’s seasickness. Dropped the anchor in the river at Lesardrieux
around 15.30 after 44nms. Horrible bumpy sea. But we did manage to agree to put
the hour forward to French time at 5pm so we could have Pimms o’clock at
6pm! Lesardrieux to Trebeurden Once again Mike sails out around
6.30 French time and we drop anchor outside the marina 32nms further along, when
I emerge – hopefully, that’s the end of this years seasickness but it was a
horribly lumpy ride! We’ve been here before according to the log but neither of
us remembers anything about it! Trebeurden – L’Aber-wrac’h Left at 6.40am and arrived 13.30
after 38nms. Met Mark and son Harry aboard Kindred, a Discovery 55. They had got
2/3rds of the way across the Biscay en route to Lisbon and the ARC only to get
seawater pumping into their boat so they decided to sail back to Solent and get
the probs they subsequently had with electronics fixed. Hope they get it all
sorted in future. They were suffering from the same prob I was a couple of years
back when I set myself a timetable which included Ryanair flights from Lisbon
only to be foiled by the wind – in my case, too little wind and in their case
too much! Lesson No.1 – get rid of timetables! Tied up on inside of visitors’
pontoon for – rule 2 in L’aber-wrac’h – NEVER tie up on the outside, far too
much bouncing about from the wash of other
Bay of Biscay crossing to Camarinas Fairly unexciting 3 day crossing
apart from lumpy 3rd night, wind changing direction all the time and
fading away completely for hours at a time. Hence, some sailing, some motoring,
and some motor-sailing with every different configuration of sails possible
apart from twin Yankees – mainly because only one was rigged – so goose-winging
first day done with headsail poled out. 2 sets of dolphins jumping around the
boat at sunset on 1st and 2nd nights. At 14:30 on
1st day out, because of the tremendous current round Ushent we were
very pleased when we did our personal best speed over the ground of 12.4kts!
Total some 390nms
Finally dropped anchor at Camarinas around 9:30am. Always forget how windy it is in this
particular little anchorage, completely different outside the bay! Bet some
people buying homes here were not happy when they found out its always blowing
old boots here! The wind finally drops away and we spend a peaceful
At last, very happy boy at the entrance to
Camarinas! Camarinas Day of rest, too tired to inflate dinghy and go ashore so started
prettying up the bathroom and a bit of tidying up. Another overcast and windy
day. Camarinas to Muros Grey start but finally got a fast
sail tacking up the ria at the end when it blew “old boots”! Anchored and stayed
put in a very gusty anchorage.
Muros Inflated new dinghy and zipped into harbour over lumpy sea, would
never have even attempted it in our old Tinker Tramp and 2hp outboard. However,
soaked on the way back – Universal Studios poncho resurrected for the next trip
It’s a very pretty town with 2 great ironmongers
(ferretarias) and good supermarket, market
- which will be lovely when it’s finished! -and fish market so we now
have 2 lots of fresh gambas and a dorade in the freezer. Also, not to be missed,
Louisa’s homemade liquor store. Only downside, no launderette. It’s a hazard of the cruising life that
you spend the first day ashore looking for a launderette or Wifi or gas and, of
course, the obligatory chandlery! – and trying to remember the Spanish for
Lovely tapas
lunch out with peppers, squid, octopus and garlic prawns all washed
down with dos
cervezas! So we are re-stored and restored but spent a very windy
and bumpy last night at anchor. The most irritating thing about this coast is
the flies, which are driving us mad again. I haven’t repaired the mozzie screens
yet so we can’t keep them out. Grr! Muros to Bayona Mike got us underway having had a bit of a struggle to get the
anchor up as it was so well dug in from the high wind gusts. Dolphins sighted.
Sailed to Bayona arriving after 41nms of very uneventful sail. Anchored in the
bay. Bayona Now the wind has completely gone and none forecast we expect to be
here for some days so using the time to lie around in the sun, read and
socialise. (Although, it’s still cold enough at night for me to resort to
pyjamas and socks!) Mahimahi, a Swedish Cigale 14 with Magnus and Sara onboard
are the first to break the ice followed the next day by Island Kea, a Taswell 49
with Margy and Marcus on board. All
4 on board RT for drinks at Pimms o’clock, followed by Mike falling into the
water at the end of the evening in an attempt to lock up our dinghy! The next
day we introduce ourselves to Roger and Margaret on Magnetic Attraction and we
have a group of new best friends! Discover a Carrefour we didn’t find when we
were last here so we are restocked, including some French cheese – as the
Spanish ones still only taste, at best, of
End of August and we have travelled 870nms this trip so far, first month away – I wonder how many miles we will have travelled before RT is back in UK again. |