Cuba to Jamaica

Cuba to Jamaica Happy New Year to all. Anchored
up in fab lagoon all alone. Not a great sunset but we are into Spooks series 10
now and watched the last instalments. Great series but Mr G is still worried
that the Americans haven’t retaken Harry for killing their CIA man.
The wind has been gusting up to 30 knots and its not dinghy weather to go and look at the coral reef and the beach. Typical! So we hang around all day doing jobs - one of mine to finish the December log. However, so many photos in it the file size is too big and it has locked the whole thing up – will have to retype it all. Finally, wind eases off enough to venture ashore in the dinghy up a canal through the mangroves. Forgot to wear shoes so smelly mangrove mud to wade through at the end, followed by 100 yards on tiny needle sharp pinecones, is not the best adventure. But the beach the other side of the island is worth it. There is no one else on the island and very little evidence that there ever has been. This is the first time since we got to the Caribbean 3 years ago that we’ve felt, finally, to have found somewhere unspoilt. This is how I expected the Caribbean to be. We have loved Cuba and most things Cuban – can’t wait to come back to this beautiful country. Pic: Mike on the North shore
Pics: Mangrove dinghy approach to North shore and lagoon all to ourselves
Pics: Right Turn’s personal lagoon on Algodon Grande,
Cuba The original plan was to go to another anchorage at the
end of the Queen’s Gardens but the wind continued to blow strong so we decided
to go on to Jamaica. Of course, once a couple of miles past the allotted
anchorage the wind dies away completely, so the motor is on as we continue the
120 odd miles to Montego Bay! Running low on ideas for meals, as all the fresh
stuff has gone. |