Jan - Mar UK, inc a flying trip to Aus to watch daughter, Charlotte, cycle for England)

We installed life raft, Oscar sling MOB, Navtex, electric windlass, 3rd reef in the main, battery monitor, hanks for the jib, boom bag, foresail bag, new sprayhood, propeller, bimini, second main halyard, jackstays, converted GPS for external use, fibreglass repair, antifouling, water tank valve, anodes, bathing platform shower, First Aid kit, dinghy, Epirb, Danbuoy, flares, vent sock, foghorn, upgraded the anchor, fenders and socks, horseshoe float, cable cutter, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, cooker strap and serviced the engine.
A very cold start with hard frost on the decks when we left Cowes at 6am. However by 9am the Calor gas had thawed enough to allow a very slow kettle to boil! Brisk sail to Brighton in very little wind and the engine on for 5 hours. We met up with Brett in Café Rouge and had a curry supper on board before an early bed, as we are tired because Mike had a “Can I go and play with my new toy?” moment really early this morning!
Struck out for Eastbourne without incident. All set up in time for a curry soup lunch. Trip to supermarket and back in time for Fanny and Pete to arrive, with a bottle of champagne. Our first overnight guests.
First challenge of the day, for Pete to winch Mike up the mast to check out the rigging. Pete accompanies us to Dover, while Fanny drives back to meet us in Dover. Fanny wrote: - Thanks for the B&B xx
Pete wrote: - Slept well, whiskey helped! Bright, cold and sunny start and we are through the lock at Eastbourne by 10am. Just enough water in the channel to see us through. Flat calm and no wind so we motor all the way to just West of Dungeness. Then a wonderful sail for the last 20 odd miles to Dover. Wind up to 3-4 and up to 3 knots of tide with us. Very exhilarating, I am privileged to be one of the first guests on board, even though, I have to admit that the Autopilot did a better job than me on the helm! Thank you, look forward to seeing RT in warmer waters!
Sleeping aboard, getting ready to leave her here and going back to Cowes before we leave for Australia. We had a fabulous time in Melbourne, where we went to watch Charlotte cycling for England in the Commonwealth Games. We flew out via Hong Kong, back via Bangkok and had a few days in Sydney and a trip to Ayers Rock as well. Also lovely campervan trip along The Road.